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July 2007    volume 1- Issue 10

How Do I Know We're Using the Right Curriculum?
Amy Cortez, Editor -- The Eclectic Telegraph

You just do. If you're not, you just get there....

When we started homeschooling at 3rd grade level, we used Calvert Curriculum, but quickly found that it was not enough for a highly gifted student. In the early part of 3rd grade I began developing supplemental study guides. 4th grade I hoped would be more substantial but I found as we went along I ended up generating many supplements to Calvert's curriculum. By the end of 4th grade I realized that I needed something "meatier" than what we were getting for our money with Calvert. I had also recognized that my student didn't seem to absorb materials the same way I did. His learning style was different than mine. That made for an interesting path to take. As it turns out, I am a sequential learner and my student is visual spatial. [read about our experience] "Visual-spatial" was my summer chant between 4th and 5th "grade".

At the fifth grade I started developing our own courses of study, curriculum. For each topic I would research materials, find appropriate books, videos, activities and then make a roadmap of the journey we intended to take in that subject. I put these plans into a syllabus-like format so that they were easy (for us) to use and I ended up calling them our study guides.

Now, I don't mean to belittle the value of a purchased curriculum because for some they can be a great resource. But what you have to look at is is the idea that even though it may be a resource for mom (or dad), it may be a nightmare for the student. In our case it was a nightmare for my student in many ways, but a blessing is specific ways. This gets back to the idea of knowing how your student learns and knowing how you learn [let me read about this idea]. The nightmares were that we had to do certain things by certain times and some of the textbooks and workbooks were, well, part of the nightmare. The blessing was the idea that there was a certain structure of flow that my student found comfort in. He liked the idea that there was a certain path or roadmap that directed us.

The key to what I perceive our successes with curriculum is the idea that my student, from really day one, has directed his own course of study. In "Elementary school" years he told me at a high level what he wanted to study, for example how animals live in different places (habitats), how germs grow(biology/chemistry), why some poems rhyme (sigh) and I would find books, videos, classes, field trips I knew would be interesting to my student. In "middle school" years, when it was a topic we were exploring further, my student would be able to give me more specifics in what he wanted to deal with as far as materials and trips. Now that we have reached "high school" level, my student pretty much tells me where his compass is pointed and it is my job, if he hasn't already done so, to find the best and most challenging "stuff" for his pursuits. He gets to review what I am proposing prior to our "school year" starting. Everything I research for each topic for my student, I end up putting in a study guide and a course survey.

I know that my student's focus can be pretty intense on certain topics and this sometimes causes him frustration because he also wants to move along in other areas too. So this the object of the game in developing our study guides. Generally I develop one study guide for each "subject" we are studying. Each guide is specific enough to take us along a certain path, but is loose enough to permit a wild tangent into an obtuse topic. "Birddogging" is our very technical term for the intense pursuit of an obtuse idea. When I ask my student where he is in our study guide he'll sometimes reply "birddogging Agave plants today mom" - or whatever the pursuit is.

Because of the special requirements I recognized for my student, I spend a great deal of time researching the materials and the flow in our study guides. They contain road maps that lead us through the typical and atypical jags in the course of our study. Each study guide outlines the resources we used and the activities and projects we planned and executed. Many people have asked me for these guides but because I made them for my student I don't make them available to anyone else. Always, I combine these study guides with specific travel and community service and that is typically what our curriculum consists of. The combination of these items are described in detail in a document I call a "Course Survey". I use the "Course Survey" to describe and document our school year.I recently put overviews of these course survey and an abbreviated listing of the resources we used atthrough out the years at our website: [our study guides]. I am also in the process of writing a book, but if you are a homeschooling parent, you can imagine how well that is going.

So, to get back to the the original question"How do I know we;re using the right curriculum?", you end up discovering that there really isn't a "right" curriculum. At our house we have a saying and this is each moment is a learning opportunity and what you take away from that moment is all yours. Each person learns at their own pace picking up what they need as they go, everything else learned along the way is superfluous really. I have heard some parents panic at the idea that their student doesn't write or can't do percents at a specific age and to that I say, just wait. They will when they need it.

In my opinion, it's the parent's job to promote the idea that your student will want to pursue his interests at such a level that they will need to hone specific skills in order to explore a topic completely. It is also the job of the parent to remind students that if they intend to go to college, there are expectations about the caliber of student entering these places and that it is up to the student (not the parent) to make sure they are prepared for that pursuit. The parents best help is being tuned in enough to their child's interest to point them in the appropriate direction.

The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home, Revised and Updated Edition by Susan Wise Baue, Jessie Wise



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Review: Good for teaching about being gifted, or getting a gifted to recognize there are others just like him. A great listing of books for each "grade" level.

Review: Good for understanding what colleges are looking for in an incomming students literature base.

Review: Great for understanding what one might present each year, though some of the resources are getting outdated.


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