published on or around the 15th of the month

from the author of
November, 2006  volume 1- Issue 3
Homeschooling Teens

  What is The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)?
The College-Level Examination Program® or CLEP provides students of any age with the opportunity to demonstrate college-level achievement through a program of exams in undergraduate college courses. There are 2,900 colleges that grant credit and/or advanced standing for CLEP exams. Before you take a CLEP exam, check directly with the college or university you plan to attend to make sure that it grants credit for the CLEP exam(s) you wish to take, and review the specifics of the institution's CLEP policy.

At the time you take the exam, you can indicate in test software the college, employer, or certifying agency that you want to receive your CLEP test scores. There is no additional cost for this service — your exam fee covers it. If you did not indicate a score recipient institution at the time of your exam and you want to request your CLEP scores, you can do so by ordering a CLEP Transcript. This Transcript is a cumulative score report of all the CLEP exams you have taken and the scores you earned in the last 20 years.

CLEP exams are developed and evaluated independently and are not linked to each other except by the Program's common purpose, format, and method of reporting results. For this reason, direct comparisons should not be made from one CLEP exam to another. Nor are CLEP scores comparable to SAT® scores or scores of other tests that use similar scales.[read more]

The exams offereed: [read on]

Find colleges granting credit for CLEP: Colleges Granting CLEP Credit

CLEP Official Study Guide

Dumbing Us Down: The Dead Students Society
by Amy Cortez - Editor, The Eclectic Telegraph
Well now that the election is over and a new batch of rascals are "in" perhaps we can get back to status quo, where what we read and hear on radio and see on TV doesn't offend or make us think. Our society is not set up to encourage people to think. Resistance is futile, especially as the dumbing down process started when we were in elementary school and continues through to high school. If our college days don't snap us out of it, we are are then right on schedule to be the citizen our politicians want us to be. I wondered if anyone else feels the way I do. Here's what I found:

by Evan Morgan

Most of my friends would agree that this is the daily reality of a high school student. You spend so much time "learning," yet learn so little. Education is not built around inspiring interest or provoking thought, but memorizing facts. It's as if tennis balls are being thrown at your head. They bounce right off, leaving only faint impressions that last until test time, when they fade away. For example, history, the way it was taught to me, was one extensive board note, and each class seemed longer than the era it was covering. Abstract facts are meaningless until they're given an intellectual or emotional charge that makes you want to learn...[read on]

The Myth of Socialization
by John Loeffler, Steel on Steel Radio Program
"Stupidity Masquerading as a Virtue - Reality Shock"

...A large part of public curriculum is devoted to shaping attitudes and beliefs into a relativist, socialist mind set rather than educating the students in the solid education and the classics which served a previously-literate country well for generations. This accounts for the glassy look that so many public school students exhibit -- nothing going on upstairs. In talking with them, many of them would like to have something going on but just don't know what or how because their dialectic public education didn't teach them to achieve it. The bottom line on the dialectical is group think. Without a group, the individuals can't think.....

"The moment teens leave high school, the majority of the so-called socialization in an artificial environment is found to be worthless. No one cares about their, feelings, socialization or image. “What can you do?” and “what do you know?” are the real questions. Once public schoolers emerge from high school, they discover that all the socialization skills they learned in dealing with peer pressure don't apply in the real world. Meanwhile the inter-age communication skills they need are sorely lacking. Most government schoolers I have met can't read, think, express themselves clearly and concisely, have little knowledge of anything from history to politics, and have a very distorted view of both history and society imposed upon them by a radical leftist curriculum.....[read on]

The Dumbing Down of America
By Manuel Valenzuela
10/12/06 "Information Clearing House"

Something is amiss in the great nation called America. Ominous sirens warning this reality can be heard emanating loudly through invisible winds of change circulating our towns and cities. The American people are being strangulated; unbeknownst to the masses they are being transformed and conditioned, becoming the entity the elite have long sought, the culmination of decades of social engineering designed to make of hundreds of millions the slaves of times past and the automatons of the future....

The education system in America has been carefully eroded over the course of time, altered in such a way as to make creative and curious children barren and submissive adults indifferent to the world around them. The system now in place begins robbing a child’s ability to think for himself or herself from the very start of the education process. The class structure itself eliminates individuality, personality and energetic ability, as one teacher must educate many students competing for attention...[read on]


Dumbing Down Our Kids: Why American Children Feel Good About Themselves But Can't Read, Write, or Add by Charles J. Sykes
Book Description:
Nowhere has the flight from quality plaguing American life these days been more obvious than in our primary and secondary schools -- on the whole, the graduates seem less well-read and less well-spoken, less knowledgeable and less able to compute. In this book, Charles Sykes asks why, and lays most of the blame at the feet of the trainers of teachers, the writers of textbooks and the educational policy wonks who influence them. He convincingly shows that in many different school systems, and in many different academic fields, with the help of goofy text-books, watered-down requirements and "recentered" test grade scales, American students have come to value feeling good about a subject over being good in it.

The Conspiracy of Ignorance: The Failure of American Public Schools by Martin L. Gross
Book Description:
Martin L. Gross has made a career out of books that attack "the establishment," whether it be the medical community (The Doctors) or the general powers that be (The Government Racket). In The Conspiracy of Ignorance, he takes aim at a lumbering, elephant-sized target: public education. Armed with statistics and research papers--the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) being his most prominent sources--Gross rails against the declining performance of U.S. students. While his criticisms--which encompass everything from teachers' unions to "useless" education degrees, PTAs, psychological services in schools, even honor roll bumper stickers--are not new, they make an imposing indictment when presented all together.

The Feel-Good Curriculum: The Dumbing-Down of America's Kids in the Name of Self-Esteem by Maureen, Ph.D. Stout
Book Description:
Maureen Stout isn't the first to attack self-esteem boosters in public schools, and she won't be the last. The question is: Do such creatures actually still exist? Stout, an assistant professor of educational leadership and policy studies at California State University-Northridge, uses many of her graduate students to illustrate the fallout from the self-esteem movement, which hit its heyday in the 1980s and early '90s. She portrays her pupils--tomorrow's teachers--as spoiled brats who can't spell and feel entitled to grades they haven't earned. Her fellow professors are painted as bovine, unoriginal thinkers. It doesn't instill much confidence in the future of our education system--but it's not meant to. Stout attacks the basic tenets of the self-esteem movement, blasting it for lowering expectations, belittling competition, and turning schools into centers for therapy, not learning.

The Schools We Need: And Why We Don't Have Them by E.D. Hirsch Jr.
Schools do a lousy job of transmitting "core knowledge" to their students, he says. To improve, they must abandon all of their feel-good theories about "critical thinking" and work harder to endow kids with intellectual capital at an early age. It may sound like common sense, but this important book shows why so many educators appear to have lost theirs.


Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know by E.D. Hirsch Jr.


The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America: A Chronological Paper Trail by Charlotte Thompson Iserbyt


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Updated: November 18, 2006